Friday, April 30, 2010

The Daily Note - The Next Stop

It is not a far fetched idea to ponder what will make the market stop and correct. In fact it is something all traders ought to keep in near thoughts especially when the market has had such a long successful run. But it is not a thought that should be made of fear but only of awareness.

Being prepared for a market turn and drop is good; being intimidated by it and therefore not partaking in trading opportunities is not a good thing. What should you change for the inevitable change?

Nothing really, if you are a trader. As a trader you should be aware of the pulse of the market, at all times. Your stops should be set up for trading and a set of strategies should be at hand in case of a turn.

If you are an investor, or longer term holder, your stops should be adjusted fairly frequently and analyzing your positions may be better done more often.

Panic is never good during a sell off and preparation is what allows traders to keep their heads.

Happy Trading, Living and Dancing

Today's BlogPick - ASIA Singup for the PlayList Here

©DayTrading with Anni 2010

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