Friday, October 23, 2009

23 Oktober 1956 A National Rememberence

The Lyrics

I want to list the names of those who were the executioners of 1956 and pronounced the death sentence on a pure revolt.

Because sin just remains sin, and their hands are stained with blood
They can't beg for mercy from God nor Man
Thousand of victims now point towards them
Traitors nor murderers can't rest on sacred land

I want to list the names of those who I can't forgive for many years imprisonment and thousands of tears

Because sin just remains sin, and their hands are stained with blood
They can't beg for mercy from God nor Man
Thousand of victims now point towards them
Traitors nor murderers can't rest on sacred land

Does the World expect us to forgive them out of Christian compassion?
Shall we go on and forget those whose tanks crushed children, whose rifle volleys killed the unarmed?
Shall we forget the years of oppression, and the horrors;
The many years of torture of the hunted?
Shall we forget that they buried our countrymen face down or
That for many emigration was the only choice?
Shall we forget the torture of our young fighters or their last words before execution?
Shall we forgive and wait for history to condemn them?

Well, no, no and no!

Because sin just remains sin, and their hands are stained with blood
They can't beg for mercy from God nor Man
Thousand of victims now point towards them
Traitors nor murderers can't rest on sacred land

The end

We cannot forget our history. It is what shapes us and helps us guard the good.
