Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Weekly Outlook - Life's Too Short for (Just) Wishing

*****I sent that message to a friend of mine, realizing later that the information is very much in line with the Season. The Season being the end of year Holidays. No matter which Holiday you celebrate, regardless of beliefs we all celebrate something at this time of year. The celebration usually involves shopping, partying, reflecting and worshiping as well as wishing.

This time of year more than any other that wishes are talked about and accepted as a matter of course. Wishing each other Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or New Year is easily spoken as wishing one a good day. This time of year we don't question wishes because they are naturally spoken and also because the wishes are usually for things to be most likely received.  

We do not talk about the wishes we have the other times of year as openly, because then they are more personal and therefore vulnerable to reveal. Yet those are the wishes from where goals are to be planned and action to be prepared. Those are the wishes with which we plan our future and those are the wishes that we are able to control the most. The wishes I speak of are the ones we can make true.

Wishes can be whimsical or serious. Wishes can alter our lives. Wishes can come true which can be scary at times and happy at others. Sometimes wishes remain wishes due to lack of intention which perhaps reveals a lack of desire. Sometimes wishes are stagnant for a long time until we feel ready. At all times however, our truth is revealed by the way we act on them. At the end of the year, assessing our wishes, which we made true and which we let by, reveals what we really wanted to achieve and nowhere is it more revealing than when we assess what we have achieved in trading.

Keeping wishes for a long time without action, should give us clues about our intention and perhaps a way to reveal what we really want is to put our wishes where we put our energy. Think about it; if you have put your energy in one thing and wished for that to make you happy, you would have made your wish come true. It is important to note that living in the moment is exactly what I have just described and nothing can be more truth revealing than noticing how we spend our time. Just wishing, and hoping and  thinking and praying.. sounds like a song .. it is truly amazing. Make it come true 'cause life's too short for just wishing.

Dusty Springfield "Just Wishing and Hoping"

Wishing And Hoping by Dusty Springfield on Grooveshark

Happy Trading, Living and Wishing

The Weekly Outlook - $DJIA $SPX $NDX

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